
Showing posts from February, 2018

GM Tips: The Meta Game

GM Tips: The Meta Game After listening to Cannon Fodder episode 51 on the Glass Cannon Podcast and having a discussion with my GM after our semimonthly Pathfinder game it dawned on me to speak about the "meta" game of tabletop rpgs. Hopefully I will be able to write blog posts on a semimonthly schedule from here on out. To be consistent and still have time leftover. Below I'll discuss what meta-gaming is practically in tabletop roleplaying games, and the "meta" of the meta game is for me personally. What is "Meta"? Meta  is defined as  referring to itself or to the conventions of its genre; self-referential. The " meta game " in general refers to the mechanics and systems that lie outside of the game, but influence it nonetheless . For example, the meta game of hockey speaks to how the game is currently being played. In the past, the game was a lot slower-paced and players with different skill sets were more valued. The meta